CAS interviews

a)There should be a minimum of three interview between a students and the CAS coordinator to discuss student progress and appropriate encouragement is given to the student.

b) There would be at least 2 interviews in the first year of the Diploma Programme and once in the second year.

c) The CAS coordinator records the feedback from these interviews.

d) The interviews are documented on a CAS project form

e) Third interview is a summative discussion of the student’s engagement in CAS and achievement of the seven CAS learning outcomes.

f) The students will update the students check list for CAS (see the annexure for the checklist)

g) The CAS coordinator will record the completion decision for each CAS student.

The initial interview

    The initial interview is conducted in the beginning of the Diploma Programme:

   a)  to inform the students about the requirements for CAS

   b) to explain the seven CAS learning outcomes & how to achieve them

  c) to discuss the student’s interests, skills and ideas for CAS experiences

 The second interview

This is generally held towards the end of the first year of the Diploma Programme. At this stage, the students already show the achievement of the CAS learning outcomes.  They may have completed or must be planning to carry out a CAS project. In this interview, the student’s portfolio is referred to and reviewed for gathered evidence of the achievement of the CAS learning outcomes.

The third interview

This may be held just before the Diploma Programme is about to end. It is the summative interview for CAS. In this interview, the students will reflect upon their CAS journey and their personal growth. This interview will provide the opportunity for the development of the CAS programme for the CAS students based on their personal experience.